Growing evidence reveals acupuncture as being an effective form of modality for retinitis pigmentosa (RP). This condition is a degenerative type of eye disorder which in the end can result in blindness. The Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion published a recent study that suggested acupuncture’s ability to protect the optic nerve from damage resulting from intraocular pressure. Acupuncture achieves this by removing stresses on the optic and retinal nerve axonal ultrastructures. This treatment boosted retinal cone activity on retinitis pigmentosa patients, even when the disease has progressed to a far more advanced stage. The study used electroretinograms to investigate the claim. The study ends by saying that acupuncture as well as Chinese medicine can help improve RT symptoms. The study stated Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is able to improve the bioactivity of the neural network. This resulted in a slowing down of the advancement of the disease and the improvement of central vision of RT patients. One other study demonstrated that She Hsiang injection into acupoints UB 18 and 23 helped improve the condition of patients suffering from retinitis pigmentosa. The study suggested that injection of She Hsiang into points UB 23 and 18 protects the central vision of the patient, improves visual acuity, boosts the flow of blood to the retina and dramatically improves the metabolism and function of optic cells. One other study of retinitis pigmentosa patients ranging in ages seven to seventy five years old demonstrated the that treatment improved visual function and stopped the degeneration of the visual field.

Protocols Used in Acupuncture Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment in Maitland

A number of selected distal and local acupuncture points were treated to resolve the underlying disharmonies and brighten the eyesight of the patient per his/her differential diagnosis. In one particular study it was seen that patients with deficiency in Kidney and Spleen Yang deficiency responded well to TCM. The advancement of the deterioration of eyesight, albeit a genetic disorder, can be addressed by supplementing the internal systems that govern the homeostatic balance of the retina.

Acupoint Selection for Eyesight Improvement

The points Yu Yao, GB 20, Tai Yang, Yin Tang, and St 2 all local acupuncture points are important for resolution of retinitis pigmentosa symptoms. The Lv 3, Sl 6, and GB 37, SI6, and Liv3 are all distal points and are as equally important as the local points for the treatment of RT. The point Du 24 located on the scalp can be triple needled to help clear inflammation that’s combined with heat while the Sp 10 can be treated to help resolve blood stagnation. Sedation and tonification of the acupoints differ based on the patient’s differential diagnosis; most of the time though, the peaceful technique is used in the treatment of local acupoints to avoid overstimulation and help restore harmony to fluid and blood flow to the eye.