Migraine headaches have been reported to start as early as 10 years old. People from 10 years to 45 years old seem to be more likely to get migraines headaches than any other age group. However, migraines can also develop after 45 years of age.

  • Pregnant women tend to have fewer migraines than non-pregnant females
  • Migraines are often genetically passed from generation to generation
  • Women suffer from migraine more than men

A badly functioning brain activity due to several triggering factors causes migraine. One of the things scientists have yet to find is what makes the sequence of events that lead to a migraine headache. These scientists theorize that a migraine headache starts with the brain and involves the neural chemicals and pathways. Changes in the way blood flows in the brain and its surrounding tissues activate the migraine pain.

The likelihood for developing migraine involves several factors. Some of the more common risk factors for migraine headache include:

  • Genetic factors – If you are genetically predisposed for migraines, then at some point in your life you may experience episodes of migraines if not regularly, then from time to time.
  • Medications – The use of certain medications can actually cause a migraine to occur.  These medications include headache remedies, birth control drugs, hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills and drugs that are used to dilate the blood vessels.
  • Age – As mentioned before, the onset of migraine can start as early as 10 years old to about 45 years of age and beyond.  The majority of migraine headaches are experienced by young people who are waiting for an answer to their migraine problem.
  • Gender – Females are more likely to develop migraine than men do. The fluctuation of the female hormones can cause migraines.
  • Diet – Eating foods laden with MSG or monosodium glutamate, overeating or skipping meals may likely make you develop migraines.
  • Lifestyle factors – You are at high risk to develop migraine if you often drink alcohol, exercise too intensely, do not get enough sleep or regularly experience extreme stress.

Apart from these, some other factors can be triggers for your migraine. These factors can be:

  • Change in time zone
  • Being in high places
  • Menstruation
  • Fatigue
  • Strong odor or scents or perfumes
  • Pulsating bright or glaring lights