Some of the symptoms of menopause are not experienced by many menopausal women. However, if they do, here are some ways to cope well with them.

Stay cool – Stay cool in order to avoid night sweats and hot flashes. These two are the most common symptoms of women under menopause and they’re the result of the imperfect mechanisms of the body to keep it from not overheating or from not overcooling itself.  Night sweats and hot flashes can start way before your period has completely stopped but are usually experienced in the first year after your very last period.

Some tips to lessen the occurrence of hot flashes and night sweats:

  • Avoiding likely triggers like alcohol, smoking, caffeine or spicy foods
  • Keep your stress levels at a minimum
  • Regular exercise
  • Keeping your home cool at all times
  • Wearing light and cool clothes

Stay relaxed – Symptoms of menopause do not only include the physical ones, they also come in psychological symptoms like lack of energy, fatigue, mood swings, irritability, anxiety and depression. The menopause phase of a woman can bring about extreme emotional stress since this is the time when various unwanted events happen like her children leaving home (empty nest syndrome), divorce, death of relatives or parents and aging and with it loss of independence.

To help overcome these issues, here are a few tips to better your mood:

Do some relaxation techniques like tai ichi or yoga

Perform light to moderate exercise regularly

Try acupuncture therapy for menopause symptoms or for anxiety and depression

Get enough rest – Sleep well.  In order to sleep well and to prevent or lessen night sweats and other menopausal symptoms, here are some ways to better your quality of sleep:

  • Go to bed always at the same time every night
  • Staying away from exercise at least a couple of hours before your bedtime

Stay fit – This means perform exercise regularly. Studies show that women who are physically active have less symptoms of menopause than women who are not.  Exercise provides other important health benefits for the woman in menopause besides lessening her symptoms; it also protects her from osteoporosis and heart disease.  Exercise toughens the muscles and bones and makes her muscle more mobile and flexible.

The best kinds of exercises for menopausal women are aerobic exercises particularly regular and sustained aerobics. One can also get great health benefits by brisk walking ay least three days a week.

Stop smoking – Studies have confirmed the fact that smoking women experience menopause earlier than those who don’t smoke. Furthermore, smokers usually have severe hot flashes than non-smoking women and have poor responses to HRT (in tablet form).