Diverticulitis happens when pouches that have developed in the large intestine (a condition referred to as diverticulosis), become inflamed as a result of infection. For diverticulitis, antibiotics are usually the recommended treatment, although the intake of certain teas can help prevent inflammation from occurring or quell some of the symptoms. Talk to a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner if you plan to drink any type of tea for a diverticular condition, especially if you are taking other medication.

Teas to Relieve Inflammation

Diverticulitis-associated inflammation usually happens around the affected pouch, although it can also spread to other parts of the large intestine. Teas with anti-inflammatory qualities such as chamomile, cat’s claw, marshmallow, and slippery elm tea, can help. Marshmallow tea coat and slippery elm tea can soothe the large intestine, promoting healing and relieving inflammation, chamomile and cat’s claw, on the other hand, reduce inflammation. According to The University of Maryland Medical Center, if you have leukemia or an autoimmune disease or if you are pregnant, you should not drink cat’s claw tea and neither should you drink marshmallow tea if you suffer from diabetes nor should you take chamomile if you have a family history of cancer associated with hormonal issues, if you are pregnant, or allergic to plants such as ragweed.

Teas with Anti-Bacterial Properties

Teas capable of killing bacteria can help prevent diverticulosis from degrading into diverticulitis. Both pau d’arco tea and goldenseal tea possess antibacterial qualities; research however, has not definitely proven that they are helpful for destroying bacteria in humans. Pregnant women or women who breastfeed should avoid taking pau d’arco or goldenseal tea. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that goldenseal mixed with echinacea enhances the tea’s antibacterial effects. Talk to a physician before taking either herb if you suffer from heart disease, liver disease, or high blood pressure. If you have allergies to certain plants, echinacea may cause an allergic reaction. Do not substitute antibiotics prescribed by your physician for teas having antibacterial qualities.

Promoting Digestion

The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse states that keeping your bowels moving is one good way to help prevent diverticulitis since it reduces the risk of fecal matter getting stuck in a pouch that may lead to infection,. Flaxseed tea contains fiber that can help bulk stool as well as soften it to help it move more easily and quickly through the intestinal tract. Spasms in the intestinal walls can be relieved with licorice tea, which in turn can help move stool more easily through the bowels. It’s safe to drink flaxseed tea, but stay away from licorice tea if you suffer from hypokalemia, kidney disease, heart failure, or high blood pressure. Licorice tea should not be taken for long periods of time.

Gas Problems

A typical symptom of diverticulitis is gas buildup which can easily lead to cramping and bloating. Fennel, peppermint, and ginger can be used in teas to address the cramping and intestinal gas as well as nausea related to these symptoms. Peppermint helps get rid of the pain and gas while ginger may help relieve nausea. Fennel can also relieve pain and gas. Ginger is safe to use, although according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you should not take over four grams of ginger a day. Do not drink peppermint tea if you have gallstones, hiatal hernia, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Harmony Wellness Center
110 N Orlando Ave
Maitland, FL 32751
(407) 234-6454

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