A neurological condition involving issues in the seventh cranial nerve, which is the nerve that is responsible for the muscles of the face, Bell’s palsy leads to a one-sided paralysis or weakness of the muscles of the face. This symptom may sometimes develop over two to three days or suddenly appear. The affected side of the face may feel numb, and droopy, or tight or pulled. Due to the paralysis or weakness of the face muscles, sufferers may experience problems in frowning or smiling, muscle twitching, mouth drooping, difficulty in closing the eye, or difficulty eating. They may also suffer from facial pain, loss of the ability to taste, headache, and dry eye.

There can be several factors that cause Bell’s palsy although more often than not, the exact cause is unknown. HIV, middle ear infection, Herpes Zoster affecting the seventh cranial nerve, and Lyme disease can be potential causes. Corticosteroids are usually prescribed to relieve inflammation since the symptoms are thought to be due to the nerve inflammation. If the underlying cause of the palsy is a viral infection, the causal factors can be dealt with by a prescription of antiviral medications.

There are individuals that tend to recover from Bell’s palsy rapidly; others may retain the facial muscle symptoms for several months. Most patients almost make a complete recovery with treatment. However, they may still experience twitches or spasms in the eye muscles, a diminished sense of taste, or minor weakness on the facial muscle.

These people may be happy to hear that West Orange acupuncture can be an especially effective treatment for Bell’s palsy especially when the treatment is started in the very early stages of the condition.

Numerous studies have been done in China showing acupuncture’s positive clinical effect on Bell’s palsy. In 2007, this country published a systematic review that are due to a lack of methodologically rigorous clinical trials concluded that there is a need for further research to definitely understand how acupuncture works in the treatment of this condition. Clinically speaking, we can witness the acupuncture’s benefits for this transient paralysis all the time.

From the viewpoint of Chinese medicine, Bell’s palsy is associated with pathogenic “wind” in the channels of the face that results in the rigidity, weakness, spasms, and paralysis on the affected part of the face. The goal of the treatment is the removal of the pathogen from the body, and the stimulation of the facial muscles to restore normal function. The local and distal acupoints that are related to the channels of the face are inserted with needles both locally and on other parts of the body. Herbal remedies are also used to open up the also be used to constricted facial channels and expel the wind to bring back normal function. Acupuncture can help accelerate the healing of the symptoms and boost the chances of complete recuperation from the palsy.