A common skin condition that occurs in any age group, gender, or ethnicity, acne is marked by several symptoms, including whiteheads, pimples, and blackheads. Almost anyone can develop acne. Studies have revealed that acne usually begins around the person’s adolescent stage where young women and young men are passing through fast hormonal changes in the puberty stage.

How Does Acne Develop?

Based on certain sources, acne is not usually the result of eating certain foods, but the symptoms, like blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples can be worsened by certain kinds of food. The skin is basically composed of the epidermis and dermis. The epidermis has trillions of microscopic openings known as pores. The dermis is the layer that lies below the epidermis and it contains the skin’s sensory receptors, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands or oil glands. Acne occurs when the sebaceous glands manufacture too much sebum or oil, which can be trapped inside the pores when dead hair follicles or dead skin cells block the pores preventing these oils from escaping. Pimples are elevated bumps that show on the epidermis which are full of oil and/or pus.

We now have a lot of ways to treat acne but research has shown that there is still no clearly defined way of preventing the recurrence of the symptoms. Several researches state that acne is a genetically inherited disease, as some individuals actively secrete more sebum in their glands than others. Washing the skin regularly and keeping it clean all the time with warm water and mild soap can help maintain the integrity of the skin. When you have pimples, you can also avoid squeezing or popping them since doing so may lead to skin infection or scarring. Skin products such as facial creams popular in the market can help, but there are a growing number of people who are choosing Chinese herbs to help them get rid of this problem.

Chinese medicine dates back for thousands of years. It has long used products that come from nature, like fungi, herbs, and plants, for resolving specific conditions. The success and efficacy of Chinese medicine have been the focus of numerous of medical studies, which is why at the present, modern Western medicine has integrated thousands of these Chinese herbs into its medical system codes.

In the Treatment of Acne, What Are the Modalities and Chinese herbs That Are Often Used?

1. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing art that involves the insertion of needles into certain parts of the body to generate a healing effect. Acupuncture for the treatment of acne in Miami focuses on removing excess heat out of the body. Practitioners of Chinese medicine believe that heat is the main reason for acne. Heat can have different sources and all of them need to escape the body to resolve the acne symptoms. To achieve this, tiny acupuncture needles are inserted on both distal and local acupoints associated with the release of heat. These points include the ones associated with the spleen and large intestine.

2. Anti-acne capsules with Chinese Herbs – if you are seeking for an anti-acne treatment in a Chinese pharmacy, the pharmacy will likely recommend to you a Chinese Herb capsules. In these capsules contain purely natural and powerful herbal ingredients such Gan Cao, Huang Lian, Chi Shao, Mu Dan Pi, Wang Bai, Fu Ling, Yi Yi Ren and other herbs that address the symptoms and underlying cause of your acne. These capsules can work wonders on your acne-infested skin.

3. Root water – Obtained from the forests of China, root water is a potent Chinese herbal product used to fight off skin blemishes. This herbal formula is an astringent and is made up of alcohol and root herbs. To use it apply a dash of the formula on a cotton ball and rub it on your face. Root water also has qualities known to help renew facial tissues. Because of this it is used along with water-based skin moisturizers to help moisturize dry the skin if used for one to two weeks on a regular basis.